Genera English I
Quiz 2 (CRS)
Circle the correct answer
1. My father urged me to pursue it.
a. teach b.
follow c.
continue d.
2. We have to pay
attention to the sounds everyone else is---------------.
a. playing b. creating c. making d. producing
3. We are giving
workshops and performance -------------------- Balinese theater.
a. of b. in c. at d. on
4. That sentence
doesn’t make sense. It’s -------
a. unknown b. uncertain c. unbelievable d. unclear
5. The gamelan ensemble
traditionally consists of at least 20 male musicians.
a. a passage of
music b. musical instrument c. band of music d. a group of performers
6. Many of the ski
resorts in the U.S have special programs for disabled people.
a. pitches b. competition c. tracks d. places where people go holidays
7. Which pairs of
words are NOT synonyms?
a. evidence ,
document b. typical ,usual c. opportunity ,chance d.
active ,extinct
8. Which word does
not belong to the group?
a. spine b. trunk c. limb d. injury
9. A part of a
mountain that is higher at one end than the other is a ------------.
a. steep b. slope c. valley d. foot
10. Utley ---------
football for the Detroit Lions.
a. hurt playing b. was hurt playing c. was hurt to play d. hurting playing
11. Today, he is -----------
a program ------ Vail------ disabled skiers.
a. in/at/for b. at/for/of c on /in/of d.
in/ of/for
12. Utley says skiing
gives him a chance to go out and ------ his life.
a. is living b. living c. lives d. live
To honor
Kelly, a statue of him has been placed along the marathon route.
13.a. pride b. award c. praise d. promise
14. a. way b. road c. coarse d. pathway
15. He went to
medical center to have his blood pressure -----------.
a. checking b. checked c. to check d. check
16. Kelly -----------
the record for running more Boston Marathons than anyone else.
a. keeps b. preserves c. holds d. gets
17. As a young boy,
he was very much in --------- of his uncle.
a. challenge b. pressure c. awe d. hint
18. Why would any
one want the torture of running for twenty –six miles?
a. relief b. admiration c. encounter d. pain
19. The runners
don’t know what kind of conditions to -----------.
a. prepare b. expect c. train d. serve
20. Jean has ------ a lot of weight recently.
a. gained b. put c. made d. reached
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