درباره وبلاگ

عضو هیأت علمی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی فسا،مترجم،مؤلف،خوشنویس
آرشیو وبلاگ
عضو هیأت علمی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی فسا،مترجم،مؤلف،خوشنویس
آمار وبلاگ
  • بازدید امروز: 82
  • بازدید دیروز: 44
  • کل بازدیدها: 2343058

زبان * خط * سخن * صفحه شخصی : ابوالقاسم آوند

In the Name of God

Pre University English

Read each
item carefully and then choose the best choice which completes each item.



sentence is WRONG?

       a. There is dust everywhere.                 b. The luggage is too heavy.

       c. I am going to eat some cake.            d. No news are good news.

2. Which word
is NOT a partitive?

         a. cup                    b. ball                       c.
slice                 d. piece

3. Words like
" room, composer, cat, and computer" are ----- nouns.

         a. common            b. proper                 c.
abstract           d. compound

4. Which word
is NOT a punctuation mark?

       a. apostrophe        b. semicolon            c.
dash                d. coma

5. Which
sentence has correct punctuation?

         a. Is london
the capital of England?     b. Is London
the capital of England?

       c. Is London
the Capital of England?    d. Is London
The capital of England?

6. Which
sentence is WRONG?

         a. A cowboy lives in America.                b. We get milk from a cow.

       c. A cow lives on a farm and eats grass.                           d. You can draw
straight line with a ruler.

7. My book is
on the chair. Where is ----?

         a. her                     b. your                     c.
his                   d. their

8. Our
friends are at the station; we must make a farewell to -----.

         a. their                   b. they                     c.
them               d. theirs

9. -----almost
stupid to run across the street.

       a. There was          b. It is                       c.
It                      d. There is

10. The
police ----released the man.

         a. himself               b. herself                  c.
theirselves       d. themselves

11. At
-----time last year----trees in the next garden were full of bird"s nests.

         a. that/these          b. this/those            c.
this/those        d. that/those

12. May I
pick some of -----flowers in -----part of the garden, please?

         a. these/this          b. those/that           c.
this/that          d. a & b

time when we got to Shiraz.

         a. There was          b. It is                       c.
There is           d. It was

14. Which
statement is WRONG?

         a. What is your favorite Pet?                 B. What is your favorite

       c. Who are you calling?                        D. Whom are you calling?

15. My
friends study in ----university in England.

       a. a                         b.
an                        c. the                  d.____

16. Would you
give me -----little water?

         a. the                     b. a                           c.
any                  d. ____

17. ----E(e)quator
is ----line around -----middle of ----globe.

         a. The/a/the/the   b. An/a/the/a          c.
A/a/a/a           d. The/the/the/the

18. -----New South Wales is ----state in ----Australia.

         a. ____/a/____     b. The /the/the       c. ____/the/____        d.

a doctor before it is too late.

         a. must                   b.  is
having to         c. must need       d. need to

20. She will
-----by 5 p.m. to get to the airport in time.

         a. must leave         b. have to leave       c.
has to leave     d. ought to leave



21. She has
already had two -----since she came here.

       a. opportunities     b. promotions          c.
improvements d. situations

22. At the
end of the course, she really feels that she has ----- something.

         a. blamed              b. achieved              c.
resisted            d. managed

23. I"m glad
she got the prize. She thoroughly ------it.

         a. dreamed            b. shared                  c.
deserved         d. supported

24. The aim
of the game is to ride your motorcycle over all the ---as quickly as possible.

         a. obstacles            b. firms                     c.
evidences        d. documents

25. He
----his friends" pressure.

         a. resisted              b. applied                c.
wasted            d. delayed

26. "Be
unworthy" is the opposite of -----.

         a. invaluable          b. be different          c.
senior              d. deserve

27. She never
tries anything because she"s terrified of ----.

         a. appreciation      b. honesty               c.
fairness            d. failure

28. Gorbachev
was virtually ----in the West when he came to power.

       a. a celebrity          b. unknown             c.
personality      d. a character

29. Which
pair of words are NOT synonymous?

         a. large/huge        b. site/location        c.
part/section    d. restore/link

30. Which
pair of words are NOT opposite?

         a. generally/seldom                               b. mild/severe     c. vast/small        d. consist/include

موضوع مطلب :

یکشنبه 88 آذر 22 :: 3:9 عصر ::  نویسنده : ابوالقاسم آوند