مخفف ها
مخفف ها از ترکیب دو کلمه ساخته می شوند . این ترکیبهای مخفف یک یا چند حرف را از دست داده اند . این حرف ها جای خود را به آپاسترف (, ) می دهند .
( آپاسترف جای حرف ها می نشیند). مخفف ها یا با ترکیب یک فعل کمکی با not ویا با ترکیب یک ضمیر با یک فعل کمکی ساخته می شوند معمول ترین مخفف ها در جداول ذیل آورده شده است.
1) not جدول مخفف ها ( ترکیب یک فعل کمکی با
are not = aren`t
cannot / can not = cannot
could not couldn`t
did not didn`t
does not doesn`t
do not don`t
has not hasn`t
have not haven`t
had not hadn`t
is not hadn`t
should not shouldn`t
were not weren`t
will not won`t
would not wouldn`t
2) جدول مخفف ها (ترکیب ضمیر + فعل کمکی)
I am I`m
I have I `ve
I will I `ll
We were we`re
We have we`ve
We will we`ll
We shall we`ll
We would we`d
We had we`d
They have they`ve
They will they`ll
They would they`d
I shall I`ll
I would I`d
I should I`d
You have you`ve
You will you`ll
You would you`d
You had you`d
He is he`s
He has he`s
He will he`ll
He would he`d
He had he`d
She is she`s
She hase she`s
She will she`ll
She would she`d
She had she`d
It is it`s
It has it`s
It will it`ll
We are we`re
They had they`d
You are you`re
موضوع مطلب :