درباره وبلاگ

عضو هیأت علمی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی فسا،مترجم،مؤلف،خوشنویس
آرشیو وبلاگ
عضو هیأت علمی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی فسا،مترجم،مؤلف،خوشنویس
آمار وبلاگ
  • بازدید امروز: 16
  • بازدید دیروز: 130
  • کل بازدیدها: 2343241

زبان * خط * سخن * صفحه شخصی : ابوالقاسم آوند

حل تمرین ها و مطالب درس زبان تخصصی پرستاری

Where is the pain?(P.14)

1.     He has a pain in his head.

2.     He has a stiff neck.

3.     He has a sting on his shoulder.

4.     He has a rash on his chest.

5.     He has a graze on his elbow.

6.     He has a pain in his stomach.

7.     He has a cut on his thumb.

8.     His hand hurts.

9.     He has a scar on his thigh.

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موضوع مطلب :

سه شنبه 86 مهر 17 :: 5:36 عصر ::  نویسنده : ابوالقاسم آوند

Academic Writing

Error Detection Exercise(2)

The following sentences contain errors. First , detect the error(s) and then correct any error(s) found on the line provided.


1. The subjects were 100 patients with unstable angina who admitted to CCU.



2. 4% of the patients were died.



3. This study showed a positive relation between leukocyte counts with coronary events in unstable angina patients and thus this factors had prognostic importance.



4. Patient selection criteria includes those with angina ,class III-IV.



5.Thus far 10 patients have been treated.




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موضوع مطلب :

سه شنبه 86 مهر 17 :: 4:47 عصر ::  نویسنده : ابوالقاسم آوند

Academic Writing

Error Detection Exercise(1)

Read the following sentences and detect any kinds of error(s), if any.


  1. All tries and researches for finding a drug or vaccine for AIDS expose to failure.



  1. This virus killed the T cell that are the most important cells of immune system.



  1. AIDS has three period.



  1. The first is window period that last 6 mounts.



  1. In this period, the disease don’t detected with blood test.



  1. In this period the immune system fight with virus.

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    موضوع مطلب :

سه شنبه 86 مهر 17 :: 4:42 عصر ::  نویسنده : ابوالقاسم آوند


جزء میانی کلمه



-ap-; -aph- touch تماس   


-blast- sprout; germ; bud

-cell- chamber; small roomفضای کوچک


-chym- juiceعصاره  ، شیره  ،


-cid-; -cis- cut; kill; fallقطع کردن ، کشتن ، از پا انداختن  


-cul-; -cule s small; diminutiveکوچک 

-cyst- sac; pouch; bladder
کیسه ، کیست 

-err- wander; go astray
سرگردان ، ول ، رها

 -gam- marriage
ازدواج ،

origin; birthاصل ، زاد  

-gest- carry; produce; bear

ball; roundمدور

step گام ، درجه ،

thick ضخیم   


cell nucleus هسته ی سلول 


-log- word; speechکلام ، کلمه 


-ner- moist; liquidمرطوب ، مایع 

-ped- foot پا 

-ped- child بچه

-phil- loving; fond of علاقه مند به ، مشتاق

plasm-; -plast- form; formed intoشکل ، به شکل

-scop- look; device for seeingنگاه ، دید ، وسیله ی دیدن


-sperm- seedدانه ، تخم


-spor- seedدانه ، تخم


-the-; -thes- putقرار دادن

heatگرما ، دما

-thel- cover a surfaceروی ،

 -tom- cut; sliceبرش

-troph- nourishment; one who feedsتغذیه کننده

turn; changeتغییر ،



موضوع مطلب :

سه شنبه 86 مهر 17 :: 9:18 صبح ::  نویسنده : ابوالقاسم آوند

Suffixes in Alphabetical Order

پیشوند ( به ترتیب الفبا)


 -able capable of                              قابل


-aceous of or pertaining to  مربوط به            


-al having the character of دارای ( ویژگی)          


-ary; -arium denotes a place for somethingنشان دهنده ی جا و مکان چیزی             

-ase forms names of enzymes   نام آنزیم              

-ate verb form - the act of...فعل ساز به معنی  عمل          


-ation noun form - the act of...پسوند اسم ساز به معنی عمل  


cen-; -cene now; recent اکنون ، حالا ، اواخر    


cyt-; -cyte cell; hollow container سلول     


-duct lead هدایت ، جریان   

-elle small کوچک        

-emia bloodخـــون   

-en made ofساخته شده از      

-eous nature of; like دارای ماهیت ، شبیه     


-gen; -gine producer; former سازنده     


-gon angle; cornerزاویه  ، گوش   ، ضلع  


-gram; graph record; writingثبت ، یادداشت ، نگار    


-hal-; -hale breathe; breath تنفس      ، نفس   


-iac person afflicted with diseaseفرد مبتلا به بیماری     


-iasis disease; abnormal conditionبیماری  ، وضعیت بیمارگونه     


-ic(adjective former)پسوند صفت ساز  


-ine of or pertaining toمربوط به  ، 


-ism a state or conditionحالت ، وضعیت  


-ist person who deals with...متخصص ، خبره  


-itis inflammation; diseaseآماس ، ورم  ، التهاب  


-ium refers to a part of the bodyعضو یا بخشی از بدن


-less withoutبی ، بدون 


lith-; -lite stone; petrifyingسنگ  ،


-logist one who studies..شخصی که موضوعی را به صورت علمی مطالعه می کند


-logy study of...مطالعه ی  ،... شناسی 


-lys-; -lyt-; -lyst decompose; split; dissolveاز هم پاشی ، حل شدن ماده ای


-mer partقسمت ، بخش  


-meter; -metry measurementمتر ، سنجش  


-node knotگــره  


-nom-; -nomy ordered knowledge; lawاطلاعات طبقه بندی شده ، قانون 


-oid form; appearanceشکل ، ظاهر


-oma abnormal condition; tumorغده ی سرطانی ، تومور


-orium; -ory place for somethingجا و مکان چیزی


-osis abnormal conditionوضعیت غیر عادی


-ous full ofسرشار از ، آکنده از ، پر از


path-; -pathy disease; sufferingبیماری   ، رنج و درد  


phon-; -phone soundصدا  


-phore; pher- bear; carryبرداشتن ، حمل کردن ، دارا بودن  


-phyll leafبرگ  


phyt-; -phyte plantگیاه  


-pod footپـــا  


rhag-; -rrhage burst forthجهش ، ریزش ، روش  


-scribe; -script writeنگار ، ثبت  

-septic infection; putrefactionعفونی 

som-; somat-; -some bodyجسم  ، بدن    


spir-; -spire breatheتنفس  


stat-; -stasis standing; placed; stayingقرار دارد ، برقرار 

stom-; -stome mouthدهان  

-ul-; -ule diminutive; smallکوچک ، ریز   

-ura tailدُم   

-verge turn; slantچرخش ، اریب ، کج

-vor- devour; eatبلعیدن ، خوردن 


zo-; -zoa animalحیوان 


موضوع مطلب :

دوشنبه 86 مهر 16 :: 5:56 عصر ::  نویسنده : ابوالقاسم آوند


An important part of your duties as an operating room specialist is your ability to communicate with the professional staff in the operating room, other operating room specialists, and the support staff for the operating room. Understanding the use and meaning of terminology used within the operating room is an important part of this sub course. Some of the words listed in the following paragraphs have been defined in previous sub courses, but are included to refresh your operating room vocabulary.

1. Anesthesia. General or local insensibility to pain and other sensation induced by certain drugs.

2. Anesthetist. One who administers anesthetics. This person may be a nurse anesthetist or a physician anesthesiologist.

3. Antisepsis. The prevention of sepsis by the exclusion, destruction, or inhibition of growth or multiplication of microorganisms from body tissues and fluids.

4. Antiseptics. Chemical agents that fight sepsis by inhibiting growth of microorganisms without necessarily killing them; used only on living tissue.

5. Asepsis. The absence of microorganisms that cause diseases.

6. Aseptic Technique. The method by which contamination with microorganisms is prevented. Also called "sterile technique." g. Autoclave. A sterilizing apparatus that uses saturated steam under pressure.

7. Bacteria. One category of microorganisms. Microorganisms are of great concern to hospital personnel because they are difficult to destroy and produce many different diseases.

8. Bagged. Method of enclosing supplies and equipment. This may be done by plastic or paper to prevent the spread of infection or to maintain sterility.

9. Circulator. The technician on the operating room team who functions outside of the sterile field during surgery.

10. Contaminated. Soiled with microorganisms.

11. Cross Contamination. Transmission of microorganisms from patient to patient and from contaminated objects to patients and vice versa.

12. Detergent. A cleansing agent that facilitates removal of grease or soil. A suitable detergent must be selected; it must clean but not injure the surface of the article.

13. Disease. A condition in which there is incorrect or poor functioning of any part, organ, or system of the body.

14. Disinfectant. An agent that kills all growing forms of microorganisms, thus completely eliminating them from objects; used only on inanimate objects.

15. Disinfection. The chemical or physical process of destroying all pathogenic microorganisms except spore-bearing ones. Disinfectants are used on objects--not on tissue.

16. Disposables. Commercially prepackaged, usually pre-sterilized items, designed for one-time use.

17. Draping. The procedure of covering the patient and surrounding areas with a sterile barrier to create and maintain an adequate sterile field during an operation. Drapes include towels and sheets and may be disposable.

18. Germ. A common term for a microscopic or submicroscopic organism capable of producing disease.

19. Hopper. A large utility sink equipped with a flushing device. Used to dispose of contaminated waste.

20. Infection. Invasion of the body by pathogenic microorganisms and the reaction of tissues to their presence.

21. Microorganisms. Living organisms that cannot be seen with the naked eye, including bacteria, fungi, viruses, yeasts, and molds; also called "microbial life."

22. Procedure. A particular way of doing something; a series of steps followed in a definite order; a traditional way of doing things.

23. Process. A series of procedures designed to prepare supplies and equipment for use in giving patient care.

24. Principle. The basis upon which the correct way of doing something is determined. A reference to the principles or procedures that leads to the right way of doing something.

25. Sanitation. A process whereby microorganisms present on an object are reduced in number to a level considered safe for human use.

26. Sanitizer. An apparatus employing a sanitizing agent such as hot water, steam, or chemicals.

27. Scrub. The technician on the operating room team who scrubs, dons sterile gown and gloves, and functions within the sterile area.

28. Sepsis. Invasion of the body by pyrogenic microorganisms.

29. Sponge. A sterile surgical dressing of absorbent material for wiping or absorbing blood or other fluids during an operation.

30. Sponge, Radiopaque. This type of sponge has multiple layers of absorbent gauze with a radiopaque thread sewn in. It is used to control bleeding during all types of surgery.

31. Sterile. Free of microorganisms (bacterial, spores, and germs invisible to the naked eye).

32. Sterile Field. The area of the operating room that immediately surrounds and is especially prepared for the patient. To establish the sterile field, all items needed for the operation are sterilized and only sterile team members function within the sterile area.

33. Sterilizer. Apparatus using saturated steam under pressure, ethylene oxide, or dry heat as the sterilizing agent. These include gravity and mechanical types.

34. Sterilization. The process by which all pathogenic and nonpathogenic microorganisms, including spores, are killed.

35. Surgical Procedure. A set of steps by which a desired result is accomplished by surgery, which is the treatment of diseases and injuries by manual or operative methods.

36. Surgical Team or Operating Room Team. Surgeon, one or more assistant surgeons, a scrub nurse or technician, an anesthetist, and a circulating nurse or technician makes up the surgical team.

37. Surgical Needles. Surgical needles are straight or curved needles used to safely carry suture material through tissue with the least amount of effort. Needles must also be sterile.

38. Surgically Clean. Mechanically or physically cleaned, but unsterile. Items are rendered surgically clean by the use of chemical, physical, or mechanical means that reduce the number of microorganisms on them.

39. Suture (verb). Suturing is the act of sewing by bringing tissues together and holding them until healing has taken place.

40. Suture (noun). A suture is any strand of material used to sew tissue together. Suturing material must be sterile. Ligature is a strand of suture material used to "tie off" or seal blood vessels to prevent bleeding.

41. Suture Card or Surgeon"s Preference Card. This card lists the surgeon"s usual suture and needle routine by tissue layer and preference for instrument equipment and position of patient.

42. Terminal Sterilization and Disinfection. The procedures carried out for the destruction of pathogens on instruments and supplies before they are handled for complete cleaning and checked for proper functioning. Terminal sterilization is often done by the using unit to protect personnel handling the items.


موضوع مطلب :

یکشنبه 86 مهر 15 :: 7:36 صبح ::  نویسنده : ابوالقاسم آوند