درباره وبلاگ

عضو هیأت علمی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی فسا،مترجم،مؤلف،خوشنویس
آرشیو وبلاگ
عضو هیأت علمی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی فسا،مترجم،مؤلف،خوشنویس
آمار وبلاگ
  • بازدید امروز: 43
  • بازدید دیروز: 44
  • کل بازدیدها: 2343019

زبان * خط * سخن * صفحه شخصی : ابوالقاسم آوند

 1. He asked me if I had ------ a goal for

a. interested                     b. faced                             c. set                              d. benefited 


2. Pedro ------ a
scholarship. He’s a good student, and he has a good chance of winning it.

a. encountered                  b. relied on                        c. applied for                  d. followed


3. David --- very
hard every day. His goal was to be in the Olympics.

a. challenged                    b. trained                          c. pondered                    d. inspired


4. I’m not sure
exactly how many students ---- my university. There are approximately 5,000.

a. attend                            b. attempt                         c. achieve                       d. reach


5. In order to
----, he had to overcome great difficulties.

a. succeed                         b. complete                       c. outstand                     d. overstretch


6. My university
teacher has been a/an ---- to you.

a. amazement                   b. encouragement             c. exception                   d. inspiration


7. “We‘ve removed
the ---- above our dreams. There are no more impossible dreams”, he said.

a. statement                      b. reaction                         c. society                        d. ceiling


8. Life ---- is
the number of years that a person is likely to live.

a. duration                        b. emergency                    c. expectancy                 d. ------------


9. She began to
---- traditional and popular Balinese songs.

a. urge                               b. compose                        c. perform                      d. write down


10. We learn the
songs by ear --- how they sound.

a. in the same
way            b. according to                  c. because                      d. as long as


11. The shepherd
trained the dog to look after his --- of sheep.

a. flock                              b. Pack                              c. herd                            d. collection


12. His test
results are not very ----. He does well one week and badly the next.

a. invariable                      b. consequent                   c. continuous                  d. consistent


13. I can ---- him
to you for the job. He is a very good worker.

a. suggest                         b. recommend                   c. advise                         d. prompt


14. All cars made
nowadays are --- with safety belts.

a. prepared                       b. packed                          c. built in                        d. equipped


15. I have promised
to help you and I will ---- my word.

a. hold                               b. keep                              c. conserve                    d. stand


16. He was ---- of
deciding anything for himself.

a. incapable                      b. ineffective                     c. incompetent               d. unable


17. You are old
enough to --- your own living.

a. win                                 b. maintain                        c. gain                            d. earn


18. He will never
--- them to take the child a way for him.

a. let                                  b. tolerate                         c. allow                           d. admit


19. I’m going into
the garden to --- some flowers.

a. glance                           b. catch                             c. seize                           d. pick


20. The factory
has increased its --- by 10 percent this year.

a. product                          b. output                            c. make –up                   d. outcome

موضوع مطلب :

سه شنبه 89 فروردین 31 :: 12:22 عصر ::  نویسنده : ابوالقاسم آوند

General English II(Quiz 1)

1. Very hard volcanic glass

a. lava                        b. insidious                            c. obsidian                              d. crater

2. Ornament forming a headdress

a. topknot                  b. fabric                                   c. garment                               d. napkin

3. Fact finding for them was tough and -----business.

a. sensible                 b. puzzling                             c. baffled                                 d. tedious


4. In 1862, slavers transported a thousand natives -----
hand and foot to

a. bound                    b. descended                          c. expedited                            d. fastened

5. The experts couldn"t figure out how the statues had
been -----.

a. stirred                     b. raised                                  c. shoved                                d. risen

6. On the 18th day, the statues ----- onto its

a. erected                   b. leaned                                c. poled                                   d. was slid


7. ----their silence, these statues do communicate to us.

a. Even if                   b. Although                            c. In spite of                            d. Nonetheless

8. To have transported the statues, these people -----
have worked hard.

a. must                       b. may                                                c.
ought to                               d.

9. Every so often, you might see small mounds of

a. Once in a while     b. Very often                          c. Sometimes                          d. Usually

10. The Nazca plain just looks like a/an -----area.

a. spiral                      b. barren                                 c. accurate                               d. void

11. To shuttle means to ----.

a. assume                  b. launch                                 c. travel                                   d. carry

12. These -----theories brought the Nazca lines to the
world"s attention.

a. senseless               b. sensible                              c. sensitive                              d. sensational

13. They used pictures for ritual -----or dances.

a. prayers                  b. rites                                     c.
worships                             d.

14. ------, the Nazca plain continues to be one of the
earth"s most mysterious places.

a. In the meantime                b. In the meanwhile  c. At the same time                d. For a while

15. The scientists did not have all the data she had

a. fed                          b. presumed                           c. amazed                               d. amassed

16. Reiche had her own theory, ----on her calculations.

a. bases                     b. based                                  c. basis                                    d. basic


17. After eating some berries, he slings his
backpack over his shoulder.

a  arranges                 b.
carries                                 c.
throws                                 d.

18. The climber dies hunched over his knees.

a. bend                      b. stumbled                            c. contemplated                      d. squeezed

19. None knows the crosses ----on his body mean.

a. wore                      b. charmed                             c. tattooed                               d. beaded

20. Specialists in medicine will all help ----the tests.

a. with                        b. to                                         c. by                                        d. for                                                               

موضوع مطلب :

سه شنبه 89 فروردین 17 :: 3:24 عصر ::  نویسنده : ابوالقاسم آوند

General English II

CRS(Quiz II)


1. People around the world share attitude that the earth is spiritually alive.

Which of
the following words is the antonym of the underlined word?

insidiously                           b.
invaluably                           c.
materially                         d.


2. Our
people are taught to act and walk lightly upon the earth.

gently                                  b.
cautiously                           c.
forcefully                          d.


3. If you
disturb something, it will ramifications through the whole web of

a. offsprings                            b. complications                      c. generations                      d. branches


4. Listen
to this tree. Hug this tree. This is your friend.

a. talk
to                                 b.
preserve                             c.
hold tightly                       d.


5. It
should horrify all human beings that we are losing whole species
of animals and birds.

a. warn                                    b. remind                                 c. shock                                d. enforce


6. There
are no free- flying California condors left in California, and several hundred beluga whales in the St. Lawrence River are dying of cancer.

We can
guess from the context that condors and beluga are ………. .

a. both
sea animals

condors are birds and beluga are sea animals.

c. both
endangered species living in water.

d. The
former is the sea animal and the latter is a bird.


7. What is

a. A
statement that says something will happen in future       c. A blade of grass          

b. A
little squirrel                                                                   d.
A person sent to human beings by God


8. Native
people think about the preservation of the earth, plants, and
animals in a special way.

defence                               b.
conquest                             c.
solution                            c.


9.We shake
down acorns and pine nuts.

peanuts                               b.
oak nuts                              c.
hard nuts                          d.


10. They blast
the trees and stir it up to their depths.

a. break
into pieces                b. scatter                                 c. plant                                 d. pray for


11. Everywhere
the Whiteman has touched it, it is sore.

destroyed                            b.
invaded                               c.
hurting                              d. conquering


12. When
hungry people can coax no more out of existing farm land, they
search for more.

harvest                                b.
get                                       c.
crop                                  d. fertilize



موضوع مطلب :

سه شنبه 89 فروردین 17 :: 3:21 عصر ::  نویسنده : ابوالقاسم آوند

Genera English I

Quiz 2 (CRS)

Circle the correct answer


 1. My father urged me to pursue it.

 a. teach                                 b.
follow                               c.
continue                              d.


2. We have to pay
attention to the sounds everyone else is---------------.

a. playing                                b. creating                            c. making                                d. producing


3. We are giving
workshops and performance -------------------- Balinese theater.

a. of                                         b. in                                      c. at                                         d. on


4. That sentence
doesn’t make sense. It’s -------

a. unknown                             b. uncertain                          c. unbelievable                       d. unclear


5. The gamelan ensemble traditionally consists of at least 20 male musicians.

a. a passage of
music   b. musical instrument      c. band of music     d. a group of performers


6. Many of the ski resorts in the U.S have special programs for disabled people.

a. pitches                                  b. competition          c. tracks           d. places where people go holidays


7. Which pairs of
words are NOT synonyms?

a. evidence ,
document          b. typical ,usual                   c. opportunity ,chance               d.
active ,extinct


8. Which word does
not belong to the group?

a. spine                                   b. trunk                                c. limb                                        d. injury


9. A part of a
mountain that is higher at one end than the other is a ------------.

a. steep                                   b. slope                                c. valley                                     d. foot


10. Utley ---------
football for the Detroit Lions.

a. hurt playing                        b. was hurt playing              c. was hurt to play                     d. hurting playing


11. Today, he is -----------
a program ------ Vail------ disabled skiers.

a. in/at/for                               b. at/for/of                            c on /in/of                                  d.
in/ of/for


12. Utley says skiing
gives him a chance to go out and ------ his life.

a. is living                               b. living                                c. lives                                        d. live


To honor Kelly, a statue of him has been placed along the marathon route.

13.a. pride                               b. award                               c. praise                                     d. promise

14. a. way                                b. road                                  c. coarse                                    d. pathway


15. He went to
medical center to have his blood pressure -----------.

a. checking                             b. checked                           c. to check                                 d. check


16. Kelly -----------
the record for running more Boston Marathons than anyone else.

a. keeps                                  b. preserves                         c. holds                                       d. gets


17. As a young boy,
he was very much in --------- of his uncle.

a. challenge                            b. pressure                           c. awe                                         d. hint



18. Why would any
one want the torture of running for twenty –six miles?

a. relief                                   b. admiration                       c. encounter                               d. pain


19. The runners
don’t know what kind of conditions to -----------.

a. prepare                               b. expect                              c. train                                        d. serve


20. Jean has ------ a lot of weight recently.

a. gained                                 b. put                                    c. made                                      d. reached




موضوع مطلب :

سه شنبه 89 فروردین 17 :: 3:20 عصر ::  نویسنده : ابوالقاسم آوند

General English One

C.R.S (Quiz One)



Read each item
carefully and select the best choice.


1. For years, scientists have debated these

a. asked                         b. discussed                c. wondered                   d. made


2. The scientists
had buried some grapefruit in the sand.

a. placed                        b. inserted                   c. hidden                        d. recovered


3. Dandy pretended
that he did not know the location.

a. response                    b. answer                    c. condition                    d. situation           


4. Dandy went
right to spot where the grapefruit had buried.

a. see                             b. know                       c. discover                     d. guess


5. Dandy was able
to plan ahead and trick his friends.

a. surprise                      b. reveal                      c. deceive                       d. amaze


6. When
she saw some minnows swimming around in a pond, she came up with a way to catch some.

a. used                           b. found                       c. invented                     d. showed


7. Stories like
these raise many questions about animals.

a. lift up                          b. resolve                    c. cause to rise              d. bring up to attention


8. More than 70%
said that they are usually aware of   their
cat’s moods.

a. willing                         b.negligent                  c. interested in               d. having knowledge


9. People usually associate dogs with doing tricks.

a. compare                     b. connect                   c. measure                     d. include


10. Popular tricks
include fetching, moving sitting and rolling on command.

a. indicate                      b. walking back and
forth            c. go and bring   d. performing


11. Do you think
animals can have a sense of humor?

a. anger                          b. amusement             c. love                            d. kindness


12. Cats are very friendly, fascinating and loving pets.

a. attraction                   b. cute                         c. familiar                       d. enjoyable


13. My father was upset.

a. angry                          b. disturbed                 c. worry                          d. anxious


14. Naturally,
I thought I should clean them for him.

a. Usually                       b. Commonly              c. Of course                   c. Ordinary


15. I decided to
ask my father if it was okay for fritz to swallow tooth

a. fine                             b. proper                     c. all right                       c. a&c


16. Fritz was originally owned by an actress.

a. likely                          b. probably                  c. first                             d. purely


17. He’s a nice
dog . He won’t do you any ……. .

a. ill                                b. bite                          c. hurt                             d. harm


18. We want him to
retire, but he won’t …. to it.

a. accept                        b. admit                       c. agree                          d. allow


19. He …….. a very
busy life.

a. leads                          b. follows                     c. carries                        d. runs


20. Officials …..
300 people to come.

a. direct                          b. celebrate                 c. guide                          d. expect


موضوع مطلب :

سه شنبه 89 فروردین 17 :: 3:19 عصر ::  نویسنده : ابوالقاسم آوند