درباره وبلاگ

عضو هیأت علمی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی فسا،مترجم،مؤلف،خوشنویس
آرشیو وبلاگ
عضو هیأت علمی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی فسا،مترجم،مؤلف،خوشنویس
آمار وبلاگ
  • بازدید امروز: 73
  • بازدید دیروز: 119
  • کل بازدیدها: 2343168

زبان * خط * سخن * صفحه شخصی : ابوالقاسم آوند

1. Noradrenaline is stored in subcellular granules ---------- by a membrane.

a. released                    b. enveloped                      c. separated                      d. triggered

2. Blockage of the receptors can lead either to inhibition or ---------- of transmitter release.

a. deprivation                b. fusion                             c. distribution                  d. facilitation

3. Obesity----------and aggravates many of the major diseases of affluent societies. 

a. correspond to                  b. confine               c. intervene in                       d. contribute to

4. Phocomedia is a ---------- deformity in which the long bone of the limbs is defective.

a. congenital                   b. rudimentary                   c. casual                          d. trivial

5. Inquiries provided evidence-incriminating thalidomide.

a. supporting                     b. accusing                       c. rejecting                   d. recommending

6. The chief ---------- of Thalidomide was that the overdose did not cause coma.

a. relief                             b. estimate                         c. merit                            d. context

 7. The nocturnal seizure ---------- the neurological consultation.

a. brought up                   b. was caused by                   c. resulted from          d. led to

8. Inquiries into family history --------- no history of similar skin disorders.

a. furnished                    b. persisted                            c. yielded                       d. erupted

9. Skull radiographs revealed several areas of increased density in the upper part of the parietal bones.

a. involved                      b. observed                              c. showed                     d. recognized

10. Intracranial space is a space --------- the skull.

a. between                        b. behind                                  c. within                     d. besides

11. ---------- is a disease characterized by areas of focal loss of myelin in the central nervous system.

a. Multiple sclerosis          b. Epiloia           c. Adenoma sebaceum                    d. Epilepsy

12. The involuntary rapid movement of the eyeball is called ----------.

a. ataxia                    b. nystagmus                                 c. impotence                d. titubation

13. Imperfect articulation of the speech is named ---------.

a. vertigo                      b. euphoria                                c. dysarthria                  d. diplopia

14. The suffix "itis" as in "neuritis" means ----------.

a. inflammation                b. dilation                              c. contraction                 d. atrophy

15. The presence of a greater than normal number of cells in cerebrospinal fluid is referred to as ---------.

a. Leukemia                        b. scotoma                              c. paraparesis           d. poleocytosis

16. Having so many --------- at the moment, he ignores his family completely.

a. manifestations                 b. preoccupations                   c. exposures            d. incidents

17. A sensory perception that does not result from an external stimulus is called -----------.

a. delusion                     b. retardation                         c. agitation                    d. hallucination

18. Pollen is a (n) ---------, causing red and sore eyes in sensitive people.

a. inhabitant                    b. irritant                                c. distraction                  d. despair

19. Violence is an ever-present hazard of working with the mentally ill, especially in hospitals.

a. danger                     b. property                             c. characteristic                    d. injury

20. The -------- of the wounds usually cause fever.

a. palpitation                  b. suppression                     c. suppuration            d. profusion

موضوع مطلب :

یکشنبه 86 فروردین 19 :: 9:0 صبح ::  نویسنده : ابوالقاسم آوند
The Longest Word

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The longest official word ever (1,913 letters) is the term for the formula C1289H2051N343O375S8


موضوع مطلب :

یکشنبه 86 فروردین 19 :: 12:0 صبح ::  نویسنده : ابوالقاسم آوند

1. It is thought that North Americans eat a lot of junk food and other things without much ------ value.

a. nutrition                     b. nutritional                  c. nutritious                     d. nutritive

2. Sugar, salt , fat and cholesterol can cause ------- problems.

a. healthful                    b. health                         c. healthy                          d. unhealthy

 3. North Americans are eating ------- red meat and ------- eggs and they are eating more chickens and fish.

a. a lot/ a few                b. less / a little                 c. fewer / less                   d. less / fewer

 4.Restaurant menus are also changing to reflect people’s growing ------- with good nutrition.

a. concern                    b. pattern                          c. orders                            d. requests

 5. Hundreds of people have been killed in recent ------- violence.

a. explosion                 b. visible                           c. ethnic                            d. vital

 6. The white painted wall ------- the firelight.

a. included                  b. reflected                        c. described                       d. contained

 7. On a ------- dad in 1378, President Khatami received about 400 letters.

a. superficial               b. terrifying                       c. volunteered                   d. typical

8. He ------- me a cigarette.

No thanks, I’ve quit. I replied.

a. offered                    b. dispersed                       c. distributed                     d. encouraged

9. It may be possible to create ------- of animals that have resistance to common diseases.

a. environments           b. variation                       c. varieties                        d. reservations

 10. I find it much more ------- to live near my place of work.

a. lovely                      b. convenient                    c. organized                      d. polluted

11. My sister’s been feeling really ------- since she lost her job.

a. disastrous               b. homeless                       c. excited                          d. depressed

12. Her peaceful -------- was broken by the arrival of some distant relatives from Tabriz.

a. existence                b. solitude                         c. tradition                        d. reaction

 13. In some communities , teenagers can drive only with ------- in a car.

a.  a licensed driver         b. a driver licensed         c. driver’s license             d. driving license

14. In other places , teenagers with ------- can drive alone after the age of 14 or 15.

a. a permit driving           b. permits driving          c. driving permits             d. drivers’ permits

 15. Still in other places , the legal ------- is 16 0r 18.

a. car driving                   b. driving law                c. driving age                    d. old driving

موضوع مطلب :

پنج شنبه 86 فروردین 9 :: 9:0 صبح ::  نویسنده : ابوالقاسم آوند

1. The discovery of penicillin is thought to be a great _________ in the treatments of many infectious diseases.

a. bereavement            b. accident                c. milestone           d. modification

2. A hairsplitter is someone who _____________

a. often succeeds in an argument

b. makes fine distinctions in an argument

c. has argumentative skills

d. provides good reasons to support his arguments

3. Complications caused by the surgery ________ to the death of the patient.

a. resulted                      b. influenced            c. led                      d. brought about

4. The accident left him ________. He has to go around in a wheelchair.

a. excited                        b. involved               c. impaired             d. altered

5. To cope with stress, one has to develop resistance and capability. This is what we refer to as ________.

a. toughening up              b. flight                    c. avoidance          d. irritability

6. The soldiers who were subjected to chemical weapons had to be sent to abroad for treatments. The underlined word means __________.

a. reduced                         b. exposed                      c. delivered                          d. affected

7.  The findings of the research study bear out the claim that the earth is getting warmer and warmer.  The underlined expression means ________.

a. reject                     b. potentate                      c. magnify                            d. substantiate

  8. Medical science is believed to have gone through many _________. Doctors have modern equipment at their disposal to do their job more efficiently.

a. declines                 b. operations                   c. alterations                          d. preparations

9.  He was _______ a letter of appreciation for his invaluable works in the field of medicine and takes pride in it.

a. encoded                  b. deprived of                  c. conferred                           d. rejected

10. Many people through out the world have greatly been shocked by the ________ resulting in the death of thousands of people.

a. scourge                   b. agony                          c. ache                                    d. scar

11. After the Asian Tsunami, they were not able to find their son. So the _____ of uncertainty is still annoying them. They do not know exactly what happened to him.

a. event                       b. agony                           c. milestone                           d. merit

 12. Because the roads to the remote areas have badly been damaged, getting food to the people in those areas is still a ________ ahead.

a. approach                  b. rescue                          c. keenness                             d. challenge

13. The situation was very complex for me to appreciate. So I remained silent because I had nothing to denote. The underlined word means ________.

 a. accept                       b. admit                        c. resort to                              d. understand

14. As part of the overall campaign against AIDS, they make an attempt to ______ knowledge to the public of how the disease may be transferred.

a. reinforce                      b. denote                      c. impart                                 d. potentate

15. The doctor had to _______ other techniques of treating the disease. The previously used ones proved unsuccessful.

a. cope with                    b. resort to                    c. revise                                 d. turn down

موضوع مطلب :

پنج شنبه 86 فروردین 9 :: 9:0 صبح ::  نویسنده : ابوالقاسم آوند

1) The Straits of Gibraltar are 20 km ............ .

a. wide         b. deep           c. long             d. high

2) There is no -------- of live on Mars.

a. texture       b. density        c. satellite        d. evidence

3) Veins are narrow tubes which have thin wall.They are---------

a. ductile         b. inelastic      c. pointed        d. circular

4) The --------- heart weighs about 300 gr.

a. muscular      b. bright          c. average       d. arterial

5) Sound waves enter the ear and produce -------- in the eardrum.

a. lubrications     b. composition     c. protection      d. vibrations

6) The troposphere extends from sea level to a(n) ------- of 10 miles.

a. altitude        b. height         c. region         d. both a&b

7) The -------,the outer atmosphere of the sun, is located above the chromosphere.

a. crust            b. corona       c. upper mantle      d. lower mantle

8) The control unit of a computer -------data and instructions from the memory unit .

a. subtracts       b. converts     c. interprets        d.selects

9) Some worker bees protect the --------- of the hive.

a. exess             b. entrance      c. mineral           d. device

10) The behavior of the workers shows considerable -------- of labor.

a. structure         b. division       c. production      d. interaction

11) A rocket has to follow a(n) -------- path.

a. sterile              b. exact           c. kinetic            d. central

12) The body cannot use all the materials in food. It must ------ waste.

a. digest              b. take in          c. eliminate         d. absorb

13) It is necessary for the body to ------- food throughout the body.

a. obtain              b. receive          c. alter              d. distribute

14) Computers can perform ------- complex calculations.

a. extremely         b. immediately     c. similarly       d. relatively

15) The ------ enables an airplane to ascend or descend.

a. elevator            b. propellor          c. altimeter      d. rudder

 16) A computer can ------- errors and correct them.

a. work out           b. perform           c. detect          d. communicate

17) Wood cannot dissolve in water.It is a(n) ------- substance.

a. invaluable          b. conductor        c. insoluble       d. compound

18) Bats ------- ultrasonic sounds which enable them to hear the echoes of these sounds.

a. locate                b. distant              c. send out        d. avoid

19) Some organisms have to change ------- suit their environment.

a. in order that        b. so that             c. that               d. in order that

20) The lungs of a man do not ------- in water.

a. utilize                  b. dissolve            c. obtain           d. function

 21) The birds" beaks are adapted ------- insects,fish or other food.

a. to catch               b. to catching        c. catch            d. catching

22) Water is necessary for life. --------- no living thing can exist without water.

a. In other words      b. On the other hand      c. Similarly       d. In addition

23) The fuel system provides petrol ------ the engine.

a. with                      b. for                    c. from              d. of

24) The ------ presents the information to the user.

a. memory unit          b. input device       c. output device       d. control unit

25) All insects are ------ three parts-head,thorax and abdomen.

a. made up                b. formed              c. consist of             d. composed of

26) Flowers ------- the plant"s reproductive organs.

a. protect                    b. grow                c. develop              d. contain

27) Most plants have the ------- organs in the same flower.

a. fat and round          b. single and compound         c. male and female     d. top and bottom

28) The battery has two terminals. The bulb -------- the positive terminal.

a. enclosed in             b. rests on             c. is attached           d. runs through  

موضوع مطلب :

پنج شنبه 86 فروردین 9 :: 9:0 صبح ::  نویسنده : ابوالقاسم آوند