دعای هر روز ماه مبارک رمضان
[O' Allah be pleased with my fasts, in this month, as Thou gives credit to those who (sincerely) observe fasts; and (be pleased with) my special night prayers, in this month, as Thou gives credit to those who pray (sincerely) in the night; direct me to be on guard and pay attention to free myself from the lethargy of forgetfulness; O' the God of the worlds overlook my wrongdoings, and grant amnesty to me, O' He who shows sympathy to be the wrongdoers.] |

[O' Allah let me come nearer to Thy benevolence in this month; let me be far from Thy displeasure and contempt; let me grow used to the recitation of Thy verses (in the Holy Quran), through Thy mercy O' the Most Merciful.] |

[ O' Allah keep me alive, in this month, in a state of alertness and watchfulness; and keep me away from impudence and cynicism; let me share everything good there is in this month, which is in plenty, O' the Liberal Most Beneficent.] |

[ O' Allah make me stronger to carry out Thy commands, in this month, let me taste the sweetness of Thy praise, put me in the mood of giving thanks to Thee, and protect me with Thy most reliable cover, O' the Most discerning Perceiver.] |
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