درباره وبلاگ

عضو هیأت علمی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی فسا،مترجم،مؤلف،خوشنویس
آرشیو وبلاگ
عضو هیأت علمی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی فسا،مترجم،مؤلف،خوشنویس
آمار وبلاگ
  • بازدید امروز: 69
  • بازدید دیروز: 119
  • کل بازدیدها: 2343164

زبان * خط * سخن * صفحه شخصی : ابوالقاسم آوند

ESP (Nursing)

Quiz 11


                            1. In "bronchiectasis ", the suffix "ectasis " means ……………….. .

 (abscess   / swelling /   inflamation /  widening )


2. In " dyspnoea", the prefix "days"- means ……………………. … .

 (absencne   / lacking   /difficult   / without )


3. ……………………. ….. means breathing of increased rate  and depth.

 ( Orthopnoea  / Hyperpnoea  / Aponea  / Stertorous breathing)


4. Sputum and foreign bodies from the respiratory tract are examples of ……………………. ….. .

( irritants  / nutrients  /  products  / byproducts  )


5. When sputum is expectorated, the cough is known as …………………. ….. .

(productive /  nonproductive  / tenacious  / viscous  )


6. The term used to describe the coughing up of bright red, frothy blood from the lungs is ………………………. …. .

(purulent  sputum  / rust / colored sputum / hemoptysis )


7. Which word does not belong to the group ?

( principal  / main /  most important / essential )


8. How long have you had the cough?

( fifteen to twenty a day / It started about  a month ago / no, never / O.K. )


9. The last couple of days…………………. ….. up sticky, reddish- brown phlegm.

( I"ve been bringing  / I bring  / I am bringing / I"d bring )


10.I …………………………. … my temperature this morning.

( took  / was taken / have taken / take )


11. A collection of pus some where in the body is …………………….  .

( abscess  / faecess / bubbles )


12. We can say find out or …………………. ….. .

 (make sure  / ascertain /assure  / assume )


13. We can say it went off or it …………………….. .

( removed   /  cancelled  / stopped / postponed )


14. We can say thickness, consistency of a substance or its ……………………. …. .

( solubility  / persistence  / firmness  /solution )


15. What does vomits usually …………………. …. ?

( made up of / consist of / composed of / form )


16. What are the ejected …………………. …. of the stomach correctly known as ?

( pigments  / details  / contains  / contents  )


17. It …………………... much worse since the beginning of Mehr .

( gets   / has been getting / is going to get / got )


18. How often do you have your bowels open ?

(since last Friday  / once a day  / about 2 days ago / not at all )



19. If someone passes stools with difficulty and irregularly, he has …………………. ….. .

( defaecation  / flatus  / diarrhea  / constipation )


20. The amount of urine passed depends on the fluid ………………. and the needs of the body .

(  output / release / discharge / intake )



موضوع مطلب :

یکشنبه 87 دی 15 :: 9:48 صبح ::  نویسنده : ابوالقاسم آوند

ESP (Emergency Care)

Quiz 9

Read each item carefully and select the best choice.


1.      The heart is ------------separated into two parts.

( longitudinally  /  anteriorly  /  laterally   / bilaterally  )


2.      The heart is controlled by the --------.

( heart"s muscle  / right side of the heart  / heart"s electrical system  / left side of the heart  )


3.      The mental status may provide a clue ----the length of time from the beginning of poison ingestion.

( as to  /  so as to  /  as for  / as if  )


4.      Be sure to ---- both the respiratory rate and depth of respiration.

( ventilate   / assess  / alert  / monitor  )


5.      ----the airway , the respiratory may suddenly become inadequate from the delayed absorption of the poison.

( Similarly  / Unlike  / Likely  / Like  )


6.      -----monitor the chest rise and fall and the rate of respiration.

(  Relatively  / Closely   / Comparatively  / Ultimately  )


7.      An antidote is a substance that will ---- a poison or its effects.

( concentrate  /  contract  / neutralize  / ingest  )


8.      If the patient is experiencing an altered mental status from the poison, it is evident that the poison ----into the bloodstream.

( is already being absorbed   / absorbs already   / was already absorbed  / was already being absorbed  )


9.      The treatment of poisons is generally ------toward prevention of absorption.

( geared  / transfused  / transferred   / vocalized  )


        10 . Cyanide is a byproduct of incomplete ----of many plastic, silk and synthetic carpets.

( absorption   /  combustion  / consumption  / sanitation  )


11.  This drug is quickly ----into the bloodstream.

( absorbs  /  absorbed  / absorptive  /  absorption  )


12.  The patient was taking a widely ----sedative.

( preion  / prescribed  /  prescribe  / preive  )


13.  She suffers from ---vision.

( impair  / impaired  / impairs  / impairment  )


         14. The house is in a very -----position.

( exposed  /  exposure  /  exposing  / expository  )


15.  The prefix " trans- " in transport means-----.

( carry  / move /  across  / along  )


16.  The suffix " – algia" in neuralgia means ----.

( study  / inflammation  /  swallow  / pain  )






17.  Accidental is the antonym of ---.

( intentional  / sudden  / random  / simultaneous  )


18.  ----exercise can sometimes cause health problems.

( Energetic  /  Systemic  / Irregular  /  Excessive  )


19.  There is a strong ----that smoking can cause lung cancer.

( confliction  / indication  / consideration  / attention  )


         20 . As a standard ------, firefighters will receive cyanide –poisoning antidotes.

( correction  /  security  / precaution  / facility  )


موضوع مطلب :

یکشنبه 87 دی 15 :: 9:46 صبح ::  نویسنده : ابوالقاسم آوند

ESP ( Emergency Care)

Quiz 5


Select the best choice.


1. Pain from stretching a solid organ is usually a -------.

        a. steady                b. genital               c. rigid                   d. sensitive


2. The respiratory system is necessary in-------a normal state of perfusion.

        a. protecting          b.removing           c. inflaming          d. maintaining


3. An intact respiratory system can apply oxygen. The underlined word means -------.

        a. not touched       b. not damaged     c. non-hypoxic      d. unspecific


4. The heart is very -------to decrease in perfusion.

        a. inadequate         b. sensitive            c. ordinary             d. trivial


5. -------processes of the body decreases when shock occurs.

        a. Proportional     b. Inevitable          c. Vital                  d. Significant


6. The natural -------of the blood vessels to bleeding is vessel constriction and clotting.

        a. expansion          b. contraction       c. response            d. procedure


7. Uncontrolled bleeding -------an injury to blood vessels.

        a. results from      b. results in           c. leads to              d. brings about


8. A cut along the length of the vessel will cause the vessel to open wider when it -----.

        a. withstands         b. transmits           c. bleeds                d. contracts


9. Uncontrolled bleeding can -------to hypoperfusion.

        a. represent           b. appear               c. lead                    d. soak


10. A vessel that has been cut across will have a/an -------to retract and clot off.

        a. presence            b. tendency            c. existence           d. estimate


11. To conclude that a ------- of 500 ml of blood is not significant in an adult would be wrong.

        a. size                    b. percent              c. percentage         d. loss


12. The estimate of blood loss must be -------based on the patient"s signs and symptoms.

        a. paid                   b. done                  c. made                  d. taken


13. The severity of bleeding -------to the amount of blood loss is dependent on the patient.

        a. variable             b. relative              c. average              d. quite


14. A/an -------adult is considered to be 70 kg.

        a. average-sized    b. average-size      c. size-average      d. sized-average


15. Body substance isolation precautions must be -------routinely.

        a. done                  b. taken                 c. made                  d.paid


16. BSI precautions are your best defense against -------of infectious disease.

        a. transmission     b. elimination       c. significance       d. threat


17. Uncontrolled bleeding occurs due to -------defensive power.

        a. reversed             b. lacking              c. impaired            d. resisting


18. Infants and young children -------have 80 ml/kg of blood volume.

        a. specially            b. specifically       c. extremely          d. typically


19. The severity of blood loss is dependent on several -------.

        a. variety               b. variables           c. variations          d. various


20. Hypoperfusion is the insufficient supply of oxygen and other -------to some of the body"s cells.

        a. nutrients            b. nutrition            c. nutritious          c. nutritive           

موضوع مطلب :

پنج شنبه 87 دی 5 :: 11:0 صبح ::  نویسنده : ابوالقاسم آوند

ESP( Emergency Care )

Quiz 7

Choose the best choice:


1. The major amount of ……………………. occurs at the level of the capillaries.

 (perfusion/ precaution / deterioration)


2. An …………………….. respiratory system can supply oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from the blood.

( intact / adequate / sufficient )


3. Hyper fusion causes a state of …………………….. depression of the vital process of the body.

(reversible /profound /insignificant )


4. The brain and spinal cord can …………………….. a lack of per fusion for only 4 to 6 minutes.

( exist / withstand / inhibit )


5. Body substance isolation precautions must be taken …………………….. . ( externally / typically / routinely )


6. Wear personal protective equipment, …………………….. gloves and eyewear.

( including / consisting of /leading to )


7. The ……………………..  of bleeding depends on the patient. ( variable / severity / existence )


8. An …………………….. adult is considered to be 154 pounds.( average-size / average –sized / size – averaged )


9. The …………………….. of blood loss must be made based on the patient’s signs and symptoms.

( contract / response / estimate )


10. A vessel cut across will have a …………………….. to react and clot off .( simplicity / tendency / treatment )


11. Penetrating injuries may …………………….. you to seek law enforcement resources.( prompt / note / suspect )


12. If breathing is inadequate, provide positive pressure …………………….. . ( ventilation /approach / assessment )


13. …………………….. of a blood vessel or vascular structure may cause internal bleeding.

( Defusion / Fracture / Rupture )


14. Always …………………….. internal bleeding if there are penetrating wounds to the chest.

 ( suspect / assume / presume )


15. A …………………….. is a collection of blood between the muscle and its outer tissue.

( trauma / hematoma /dispatch)


16. After ensuring the scene is safe, …………………….. the patient .( depress / impress / approach )


17. If a major bleed is found , …………………….. control it with direct pressure.

( slightly / immediately / drastically )


18. …………………….. the patient continues to lose blood, the mental status will continue to deteriorate.

( As / Whereas / While )


19. Assess the airway and ensure that it is …………………….. .(chin-lift / patent / head- tilt )


20 . Amount of air breathed into or out of the lungs in quiet, relaxed breathing is called …………………….. .

(palpation / respiratory  rate / tidal wave )


موضوع مطلب :

پنج شنبه 87 دی 5 :: 7:42 صبح ::  نویسنده : ابوالقاسم آوند

ESP (Nursing)

Quiz 10

Choose the best choice.


1. A patient been ………………….. the waiting list………………….. admission has received a letter.

(for-in  / on- for / in – in / in- for)


 2. You ………………….. a patient to X-ray department. ( take / ring / notify / address )


3. The patient was asked to ………………….. the admission card. ( look out/ fill in / appreciate / expect )


4. You were born in Shiraz, ………………….. ?( didn’t you / were you / weren’t you /aren’t you )


5. The sister wrote ‘CARPENTER” under ………………….. . ( occupation / religion / civil state / sure name)


6. After admission, general observation of the patient is ………………….. regularly.

( done  / made / taken / paid )


7. To keep an eye on a patient means to ………………….. the patient. ( nurse  / care / observe / guide )


8. Nurses have to ………………….. the look out for changes in patients’ condition .

(  keep for / keep up / keep on / keep off )


9. They gave us a list of things to ………………….. training school. (  look for  in / look up with / look in to )


10. It’s a great help to ………………….. friendly terms with patients .( get on / get up /get out )


11. Patients may tell nurses something about their lives which has some bearing on their illness.

Bearing in this sentence means ………………….. .( relative / relation / strain / sort )


12. There may be several reasons ………………….. patients do not want to talk to nurses.

(  that  / why / unless / whereas)


13. When you’re carrying out normal nursing duties, it becomes your second ………………….. after a time.

(  position  / state / indication / nature )


14. The word “to be…………………..” is the antonym of to have one’s bowels open.

(   encouraged  / contused / conjested / constipated )


15. ………………….. is the opposite of “rushed off one’s feet “.( relaxed / rude / nervous /anxious )


16. Your behavior is your way of …………………..   ( doing / acting / practicing /working )


17. Choose the word which does not belong to the group.

(  watch carefully / on the look out / keep an  eye on / carry out )


18.   Choose the word which does not belong to the group. (  tell  / notify / inform / show )


19. The patient is reluctant to talk to the nurse. The underlined word means ………………….. .

( (eager/ un willing / depressed / happy )


20. What may a change in a patient’s temperature ………………….. ?

(  narrate / relate / state / indicate )



موضوع مطلب :

دوشنبه 87 دی 2 :: 7:31 صبح ::  نویسنده : ابوالقاسم آوند